Top 10 Reasons to Take a Pole Dance Class

By June 8, 2023Featured

Sometimes we need a reason to workout.  We’ve got you. Check out the top ten reasons why you should take a pole dance class at Zensual Dance Fitness.


1. Full-body Workout: Pole dancing is a fantastic way to engage and tone muscles throughout the entire body, providing a challenging and effective workout. Women often say, “I don’t have upper body strength” and that’s where we are right and wrong. Like Drake said, “started at the bottom, now we are here”. We’ve got to start somewhere. We develop that upper body along with our lower body for a pole body. Yup. There is such a thing. She’s got her shoulders back and head held high.


2. Increased Strength: Regular pole dancing classes can help build upper body and core strength, leading to improved overall fitness levels. Take 2-3 classes per week for consistency. On off days take classes like Zensual Stretch and Zensual Flow.


3. Confidence Boost: Mastering pole dance moves and routines can significantly boost self-confidence, helping women feel empowered and comfortable in their bodies. Confidence is sexy, you know. That’s the main reason women come to Zensual, to get their confidence back aka their sexy back.


4. Flexibility and Balance: Pole dancing incorporates various stretching exercises, enhancing flexibility and improving balance and coordination. Wouldn’t you want to walk into the room with the boss b*tch energy? You need your basics down and this is where you start.


5. Stress Relief: Pole dancing offers a fun and energetic way to relieve stress and release endorphins, promoting a positive mindset and emotional well-being. Enough said.


6. Body Awareness: Through pole dance classes, women develop a stronger connection with their bodies, gaining a better understanding of their physical capabilities and potential. I mean with 14-foot poles at Zensual Dance Fitness, we must call on all our facilities to keep us safe. Dance also delivers that exercise in body awareness by keeping you in balance and aware of your surrounding.


7. Creative Expression: Pole dancing is an art form that allows women to express their creativity, explore different dance styles, and develop their unique routines. Infuse your own style to create a dance style that is uniquely yours.


8. Cardiovascular Fitness: Pole dance and pole fitness involve dynamic movements and transitions that can get your heart rate up, contributing to improved cardiovascular health, especially at the end of class. In our classes, we have a designated time to play and this is where cardio kicks in.


9. Increased Self-Esteem: Achieving new pole dancing skills and challenging oneself can have a profound impact on self-esteem, fostering a sense of accomplishment. Unlock new levels of badassery within yourself.


10. Community and Support: Joining a pole dancing class creates an opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals, forming a supportive community that encourages personal growth and camaraderie. The Zensual community is known for being welcoming and where new friendships form. Our events like regular parties, outings, and showcases offer the opportunity to play, be inspired, and get out of your comfort zone. 


The physical, mental, and emotional benefits that women can experience through pole dancing classes is the ‘why’ pole dancing is the perfect escape/workout. I encourage you to take a pole dance class and experience it yourself!