Be Different. Be Just Like You.

By May 7, 2021Featured

Have you ever felt different than everyone else in the room?

If so, at some point along the way, past experiences led you to believe that you’re “different” than everyone else.

But here’s the thing: we’re all a lot more alike than we think. No matter how kooky, weird or different you feel, you’re going to share a lot more similarities with everyone else than you do differences.

You simply feel different because of your experiences – not because you are different.

That said, our differences are what make us beautiful and unique. Our differences deserve to be celebrated. Celebrate your uniqueness and savor the flavor of being uniquely you through dance.

We do this in class by teaching everyone not to dance exactly the same. Sure, the patterns are there, however, the artist brings something different every time. We cherish that difference in the dancers & dancers-to-be that come through our doors.

We are always celebrating your exotic-ness and are your sister-in-sexy. We encourage you to find an experience that fits where you are at right now & come and experience how your differences fit right in.